Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 1. Part 1. P. 157-161.
Murtuzova Zaira Magomedovna
Daghestan State Technical University
Abstract. In the article the Sufi mystical practice main methods are analyzed, by which means the Muslim mystics reach mystical, i.e. changed states of psyche interpreted as the spiritual experience of identity with Superior Truth, God. The author also considers their influence on the psycho-physiological and spiritual state of individuals, paying special attention to the personality’s discursive-logical thinking suppression and transition to the intuitive way of the world reflection.
Key words and phrases: суфизм, мистическая практика, мистическое состояние, зикр, медитация, Sufism, mystical practice, mystical state, dhikr, meditation
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