Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 9. Part 1. P. 63-64.
Ioshkin Mikhail Viktorovich
Tambov State Technical University
Abstract. The author, by the materials of Tambov region of 1960-1961, describes the participation of Komsomol in atheistic activity during the last major aggravation of relations between the soviet state and the Church, shows that under the given conditions the mass emergence of religious sentiment was typical of the youth, and estimates the anti-religious activity of Komsomol as rather moderate in comparison to previous decades.
Key words and phrases: комсомол, молодежь, религия, политический контроль, обряды, венчание, крещение, Komsomol, youth, religion, political control, rituals, wedding, baptism
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