Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 9. Part 1. P. 43-46.
Dombrauskene Galina Nikolaevna
Maritime State University named after Admiral G. I. Nevel'skii
Abstract. The author considers the unique musical-poetic genre of the XVI th century – the German Protestant chorale, which represents the specificity of the Renaissance artistic thought, expressed in the synesthesia of musical-rhetorical structures, figuratively representing the main idea of ??the hymn; using special techniques reproduces the visual contours of the chorales musical lexemes of Philipp Nicolai, one of the brightest followers of the Protestant hymn traditions, shows that chants are united not only by the time of writing, but also by the commonness of metaphorical images, symbolizing the idea of "divine light", and tells that the revelation of their musical-semiotic structure opens the ways of various genres works interpretations, based on the melodic material of chorales.
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