Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 8. Part 2. P. 112-115.
Maksimova Elena Nikolaevna
Sevastopol' National Technical University, Ukraine
Abstract. The author analyzes the factors of the political system crisis of Argentina in 2001-2002, tells that the effect of crisis factors is associated with political system dysfunctions, believes that the political system crisis of Argentina was accompanied with dysfunctions in the distribution of resources, political management, political participation and political representation, and shows the process of dysfunctions intensification and their influence on political system stability.
Key words and phrases: Аргентина, дисфункция политической системы, политическая система, кризис политической системы, нестабильность политической системы, фактор кризиса, Argentina, dysfunction of political system, political system, crisis of political system, instability of po
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