Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 8. Part 2. P. 92-95.
Kraeva Aleksandra Gennad'evna, Aver'kova Aleksandra Aleksandrovna
Ul'yanovsk State University
Abstract. The authors reveal the originality of tradition and novation phenomena in art, analyze the mechanism of the interaction between artistic tradition and novation in art from the perspective of epistemology, reveal the content of the notions of artistic tradition and innovative approach, and substantiate the status of novation-innovation in art, which contributes to the further expansion of the sphere of epistemology by art domain with the purpose to study the integration mechanisms of innovation, directing culture history on the whole.
Key words and phrases: эпистемология искусства, инновационные механизмы, новация, инновация, художественная традиция, новаторство, epistemology of art, innovative mechanisms, novation, innovation, artistic tradition, innovative approach
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