Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 8. Part 1. P. 187-189.
Sulimin Aleksandr Nikolaevich
Russian Academy of National Economy and State Service under the RF President (Branch) in Astrakhan'
Abstract. The author pays attention to the lack of methodology for studying political crises in political science, so for the analysis of this process suggests using the methodological framework of system-synergistic approach, reveals the mechanisms of political system crisis, suggests the notions of political system structural and system crises, gives the definition of political crisis process, and also reveals that the motive forces of political crises are both objective and subjective factors, which participants are political actors, consciously or unconsciously violating the political order.
Key words and phrases: политический кризис, системно-синергетический подход, аномия, "повышающий" хаос, "понижающий" хаос, структурный кризис, системный кризис, эрзац-элита, политические акторы, political crisis, system-synergetic approach, anomia, "step-up" chaos, "step-down"
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