Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 8. Part 1. P. 176-178.
Sazonova Kira L'vovna
Russian Academy of National Economy and State Service under the Russian Federation President
Abstract. The author analyzes the problems arising in connection with the activity of private military and security companies (PMSC), pays attention to the questions of the international responsibility of states and international organizations that engage PMSC in the implementation of various military and power tasks, substantiates that such situations give rise to a lot of legal conflicts, which solution is not found in the doctrine of international law, and tells that the legal aspects of private military and security companies activity, especially concerning responsibility, are not practically covered in national scientific researches.
Key words and phrases: частные военные и охранные предприятия, государства, международные организации, ответственность, private military and security companies, states, international organizations, responsibility
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