Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 7. Part 2. P. 170-176.
Fedorov Roman Yur'evich, Fisher Anzhelika Nikolaevna
Earth Cryosphere Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Tyumen’ State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies
Abstract. The authors study the genesis and current state of ritual and holiday complexes occurring at different stages of the Eastern Slavic ethnic groups’ formation, basing on factual material generalization show their interaction and contradictions in social-cultural life of the post-soviet states, and for the system studies of various forms of rituals and their significance in the spiritual life of society for the first time suggest in the work the notion "ritual-cult system".
Key words and phrases: восточные славяне, обряд, праздник, этнические традиции, духовная культура, Eastern Slavs, rite, holiday, ethnic traditions, spiritual culture
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