Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 7. Part 2. P. 54-56.
Kichigin Grigorii Evgen'evich
Saratov State Juridical Academy
Abstract. The author represents the correlation between the legal and factual statuses of a political party by the analysis of its functioning in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and showing the impact of statuses non-compliance on the party activity, paying attention to its formation as a result of the reform in party legislation and legislation on elections carried out in the 2000s, comes to the conclusion that the current status imbalance strategically-adversely affects the activity of parties and has a negative impact on the performance of functions.
Key words and phrases: политическая партия, партийное законодательство, законодательство о выборах, фактический статус политической партии, юридический статус политической партии, региональный политический процесс
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