Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 7. Part 1. P. 99-103.
Kamlaitong Adul
St. Petersburg State University
Abstract. Russia’s foreign policy focuses at ASEAN countries because they support Russia’s role in Asia Pacific and Southeast Asia regions. For ASEAN states Russia is the guarantor of regional security, especially in its role of powers balance equalizer and the counterweight of The United States and The People’s Republic of China. The author substantiates the point of view that Russia does not use all its political potential as an important partner and security guarantor for ASEAN countries due to the contradictions between the PRC and other countries of the region.
Key words and phrases: региональная безопасность, организация ассоциации государств Юго-Восточной Азии (АСЕАН), региональный форум АСЕАН по безопасности (АРФ), Форум "Азия – Европа" (АСЕМ), Восточно-Азиатский саммит (ВАС), баланс сил, внешняя политика России, regional security,
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