Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 7. Part 1. P. 50-53.
Vysheslavova Tat'yana Fedorovna
North-Caucasian Federal University
Abstract. The author represents modern approaches to organizing and conducting employees attestation, describes the stages of conducting employees attestation, gives the notion of the Regulation on Attestation, develops its components, reveals attestation significance in the sphere of labour relations both for employers and for employees, raises the problem of organizing and conducting attestation in the branches of legal entities, considers the evolution of scientists’ views on the specific questions of conducting attestation, and undertakes an attempt to adapt the multidimensional phenomenon of employees attestation for the integrated approach to attestation regulation on normative, local and individual-contractual levels.
Key words and phrases: аттестация работников, этапы аттестации работников, требования к проведению аттестации, Типовое положение об аттестации работников, employees attestation, stages of employees attestation, requirements for conducting attestation, Model Regulation on Employ
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