Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 6. Part 2. P. 122-127.
Mishagin Pavel Andreevich
Siberian State Technological University
Abstract. The author considers the role of freedom as the object of reflection in I. Kant’s critical philosophy, taken in social-ethical dimension, and considering the relationship of theoretical and practical philosophy shows that the original conception of freedom, suggested within the framework of transcendental idealism, is explicated in the general logic of thought movement – from individual or private freedom to social or public freedom, and ultimately morality as a result of free adherence to objective duty is the foundation for social freedom formation (which in unity is the ethical-social conception of freedom).
Key words and phrases: свобода, моральная свобода, социальная свобода, социальная философия, социально-этическая рефлексия, критическая философия, максимы, чистый практический разум, практическая философия И. Канта, freedom, moral freedom, social freedom, social philosophy, soc
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