Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 6. Part 2. P. 59-61.
Dadashov Anar Bakhtiyar ogly, Dadashov Murad Bakhtiyar ogly
Bashkir State University
Abstract. The authors consider the significance and meaning of socium "spiritual life", show that this idea embodies a kind of the "pre-understanding" of the object of this life, reveal a number of conceptual foundations that underlie the understanding of "spiritual life", and substantiate the significance of the creative and world outlook aspects of the notion "spiritual life", which appears as a kind of the "invariant" of the spiritual and moral development of the subject, which is characteristic of different cultural traditions.
Key words and phrases: духовная жизнь, творчество, "инвариант" духовного развития, культурная традиция, "архетип" человечности и человеческого рода, spiritual life, creativity, "invariant" of spiritual development, cultural tradition, "archetype" of humanity and human race
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