Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 6. Part 1. P. 56-63.
Zul'fugarzade Teimur El'darovich, Aponitskii Sergei Vladimirovich
Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov
Abstract. The authors reveal some historical aspects of legal foundations formation in the government regulation of educational process, study the role of government in education system and political-legal instruments influencing social relations in the sphere of education, consider the notions of educational policy, the legal regulation of education, as well as define the role of education in historical aspect, analyze legal documents and other sources covering the post-revolutionary period, and summarize the accumulated experience of education legal support.
Key words and phrases: право, обеспечение, регулирование, государство, политика, образование, деятельность, юрисдикция, исторический аспект, Россия, law, support, regulation, state, policy, education, activity, jurisdiction, historical aspect, Russia
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