Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 5. Part 2. P. 200-203.
Shabatura Lyubov' Nikolaevna, Nabiullina Flyuza Ramazanovna
Tyumen' State Oil and Gas University
Abstract. The authors consider science as one of the superior values ??of civilization and culture, which plays an important role in modern society, analyze the interaction of culture and science, which certainly influences society development, pay attention to the consideration of the normative documents, regulating the sphere of culture at the state level, and substantiate the dependence of scientific activity results on the level of culture and the influence of science on the values system in society.
Key words and phrases: культура, взаимодействие, культуротворческая деятельность, научная деятельность, проблема сохранения, социокультурный феномен, ценности, традиция, творчество, отрицательные последствия, culture, interaction, culture-creative activity, research activity, p
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