Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 5. Part 1. P. 76-78.
Efimushkin Vladislav Mikhailovich
Tula State University
Abstract. The author considers the features of magistrates’ social composition in Tula province in the second half of the XIX th century, shows that the subject-matter of the magistrate’s social make-up is topical in terms of studying the implementation tendencies of the judicial reform of 1864 within the territories of the initial phase of the organization of elective justice of the peace, by means of the analysis of the magistrates’ social composition traces historical dualism tendency in Alexander II’s judicial reform, tells that local historical material allows studying in detail the magistrates’ property status and educational level, and reveals the characteristic specificity of the justice of the peace cadres in Tula province connected with the predominance of the persons, who had civilian and officer ranks
Key words and phrases: мировые судьи, мировые судебные округа, социальный состав, имущественный ценз, образовательный ценз, magistrates, judicial districts of the peace, social composition, property qualification, educational qualification
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