Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 4. Part 3. P. 161-163.
Skoropad Aleksei Eduardovich
Tambov State Technical University
Abstract. Revealing the role of political inspections, which were carried out in Komsomol organizations of the 1920s in the soviet political control system, the author shows that they were intended to clarify the degree of young people’s loyalty to the soviet power, pays attention to the inclusiveness and unpredictability of political inspections content, and concludes that the whole system of political education after the introduction of political inspections remained ineffective, the majority of Komsomol members did not possess real political knowledge.
Key words and phrases: молодежь, комсомол, политический контроль, коммунистическая партия, политучеба, политпроверки, young people, Komsomol, political control, Communist Party, political education, political inspections
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