Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 4. Part 3. P. 123-127.
Moskalenko Dar'ya Nikolaevna
Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University
Abstract. The author reveals the content of the notions "freedom of choice" and "freedom of will", tells that their content problematic in their interconnection with each other is now becoming increasingly topical, analyzes some theoretical aspects of these categories content in their interaction with the practical facets of reality, and mentions that this article is the first step in conducting a detailed scientific-philosophical analysis of the real patterns of change in the categories "freedom of choice" and "freedom of will" in popular culture, as well as in the accentuation of the most relevant aspects of their problematic.
Key words and phrases: свобода, свобода выбора, свобода воли, свобода действия, детерминизм, индетерминизм, "буриданов осел", свобода недеяния, свобода и необходимость, freedom, freedom of choice, freedom of will, freedom of action, determinism, indeterminism, "Buridan’s donkey
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