Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 4. Part 3. P. 55-59.
Zakharov Yurii Konstantinovich
Academy of Choral Art named after V. S. Popov in Moscow
Abstract. The author presents the analytical description of E. Kurth’s views on the essence of melody in its correlation with harmony in the form of 50 theses, which are arranged in logical sequence that allows formulating an integral picture of E. Kurth’s musical-theoretical ideas, discusses the possibility of including Kurth’s views into modern musicology, and pays particular attention to the problem of the applicability of the notions "potential" and "kinetic energy" to music, which may be relevant to the research of tonal melodies laws.
Key words and phrases: Э. Курт, мелодия и гармония, линеарность, энергия в музыке, природа гармонической функциональности, E. Kurth, melody and harmony, linearity, energy in music, nature of harmonic functionality
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