Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 4. Part 2. P. 84-86.
Zuev Andrei Vyacheslavovich
Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Gertsen
Abstract. The author reveals the features of merchant fleet seamen training in the Russian Empire during the pre-reform period, pays particular attention to the formation history, activity organization, training programs for the students of Kronstadt Company of Trade Navigation, reveals the basic problem points, which arouse during the school functioning, and comes to the general conclusion about the existed necessity of all the nautical educational institutions reformation in the Russian Empire.
Key words and phrases: мореходное учебное заведение, рота торгового мореплавания, воспитанники, торговый флот, программа преподавания, судоводители, nautical educational institution, trade navigation company, students, merchant fleet, teaching programme, navigators
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