Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 4. Part 2. P. 13-16.
Alyev Gamid Aligusein oglu
Sumgait State University, Azerbaijan
Abstract. The author reveals the features of the international relations of Sumgait in cultural sphere during the 60-70s of the ХХ th century, which influenced social consciousness and moral values ??associated with humanism and patriotism; basing on the analysis of the materials about meetings with foreign representatives of science, culture and art, concerts, festivals, foreign language learning clubs organization, etc., comes to the conclusions about the strengthening of the town cultural relations with other towns of the world, the formation of international friendship special spirit, and mentions that this particularly concerned the formation of the younger generation’s spiritual-moral values.
Key words and phrases: Советский Союз, Сумгаит, городская культура, международные культурные связи, городской агломерат, социальные ценности, the Soviet Union, Sumgait, urban culture, international cultural relations, urban agglomerate, social values
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