Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 4. Part 1. P. 17-21.
Andreeva Antonina Viktorovna
Classical Institute of Siberian Federal University
Abstract. The realization of philosophical ideas in social practice depends on a number of circumstances. The author reveals the factors of general order, which always work regardless of the features of the historical type of practice and epoch, refers the features of the second level of the system "philosophy – practice" to the general reasons that influence the penetration of philosophy into practice, shows that it is inclinable to spontaneity, which is not a property of the separate formation, but of the constant practice on the whole, especially of social one; and considers the realization of philosophical ideas in scientific knowledge by the example of the concrete scientific research.
Key words and phrases: социальная философия, функции философии, практика, наука, мировоззрение, виды мировоззрения, методология, диалектика, social philosophy, functions of philosophy, practice, science, world-view, types of world-view, methodology, dialectics
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