Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 4. Part 1. P. 13-17.
Azeeva Irina Viktorovna
Yaroslavl' State Theatre Institute
Abstract. The author reveals and researches the role and place of the "Russian method" (K. S. Stanislavskii’s system) in the formation of drama theater artist’s school in the USA, tells that the information on the subject systemized in the article allows revealing in detail and substantially the previously indistinctly stated in art criticism hypothesis that the Russian theatre school actively contributes to the evolution of another national theatre culture, which adopted it; and shows the contemporary cooperation between the Russian theatre school and the American theater.
Key words and phrases: русская театральная школа, система Станиславского, "русский метод", театр США, американская театральная школа, Russian theatre school, Stanislavskii’s system, "Russian method", theatre of the USA, American theatre school
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