Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 3. Part 2. P. 174-177.
Samarin Andrei Sergeevich
Siberian Federal University
Abstract. The author discusses the problem of the interrelation between philosophy and culture, in the context of which philosophy is an element performing the function of "administration" in relation to culture, identifies a number of structural features of this interrelation, illustrates them by means of referring to the history of the European and Indian philosophy, and suggests a view on the interpretation of the European philosophy history, in which determines the interaction with culture during different periods of development as a key aspect.
Key words and phrases: философия и культура, история философии, индуизм, средневековая философия, советский марксизм, philosophy and culture, history of philosophy, Hinduism, medieval philosophy, soviet Marxism
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