Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 3. Part 2. P. 168-170.
N. I. Nebogatov’S actions DURING The Battle of Tsushima in THE estimation of THe Russian periodicals of the beginning of the хх th century
Pyshnograev Sergei Viktorovich
Voronezh State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The author tells that the decision to surrender four battleships made by Rear Admiral N. I. Nebogatov during the Battle of Tsushima is a debatable point in the native history, basing on the analysis of newspaper articles describes the possible reasons of his capitulation, presented in the periodicals of the beginning of the ХХth century, and as a result of the research reveals the attitude of the Russian society to N. I. Nebogatov’s actions.
Key words and phrases: военно-морской флот, Н. И. Небогатов, пресса, русско-японская война, Цусимское сражение, the Navy, N. I. Nebogatov, press, the Russian-Japanese war, the Battle of Tsushima
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