Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 3. Part 1. P. 22-25.
Bakhshieva Narmin Anver kyzy
Baku State University, Azerbaijan
Abstract. The author generalizes and analyzes the models of modern administrative legal proceedings, conditionally divides them into two groups: relating to the countries with the Anglo-Saxon legal system, where administrative tribunals and institutions carry out quasi-judicial functions, and relating to the countries with the continental legal system, where administrative legal proceedings are in force; considers these models by the example of the concrete countries, basing on these models, the current legislation and scientific approaches determines the main features of judicial control over administrative bodies, and by the material of the Administrative and Procedural Code of the Azerbaijan Republic of June 30, 2009 comes to the conclusion that the German model of administrative legal proceedings had a great impact on the formation of administrative legal proceedings in Azerbaijan.
Key words and phrases: административное судопроизводство, административный суд, экономический суд, квазисуд, административный трибунал, administrative legal proceedings, administrative court, economic court, quasi court, administrative tribunal
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