Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 2. Part 2. P. 157-163.
Ryzhkov Denis Leonidovich
Moscow State Mining University
Abstract. The author describes the conversion of social exchange system, as a result of which the circulation of fictitious values seizes the system of actual exchange, analyzes the mechanism of this phenomenon, and concludes that the participation of the converted forms of value in total social exchange, along with consumption values, create the qualitatively different system of social production and labour products exchange. In this case, the imposition of value through knowledge is a necessary way to promote the interest of a financial capital owner in order to maintain such labor power value, when its bearer is not able to stop its sale or to provide employees the conditions of high dependence on the sale of their labor potentialities.
Key words and phrases: общественный обмен, собственность, общественное противоречие, социоисторические организмы, финансовый капитал, превращенная форма стоимости, social exchange, property, social contradiction, social-historical organisms, financial capital, converted form of
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