Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 12. Part 2. P. 149-153.
Muzykina Elena Valentinovna
Zaoksky Adventist University
Abstract. The article considers the conflict that occurred in Western Europe countries between the bearers of secular (the Christian West) and religious (migrants-Muslims) identities. For this conflict solution the policy of multiculturalism was developed in due time, which then was changed by intercultural dialogue. However, according to the author, the conflict roots are in the western society itself experiencing cultural-moral crisis. The author sees the way out from the situation in realizing and solving this problem not only at the state but also at the spiritual level of the separate person.
Key words and phrases: идентичность, секуляризм, религиозная идентичность, ислам, мультикультурализм, межкультурный диалог, identity, secularism, religious identity, Islam, multiculturalism, intercultural dialogue
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