Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 11. Part 2. P. 92-96.
Lapshina Zoya Stepanovna
Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the stylistic features of the Lower Amur region petroglyphs. P. Okladnikov distinguished the archaic style of images in the 70s of the XX th century. The author substantiates distinguishing the drawings of iconic style, which replaced archaic one. Its main features are movement and the impression of animals and birds’ movement dynamics. The images of birds – European spoonbill and pink flamingo – indicate the warming and moistening of climate during their creation. This allows referring the pictures of the mentioned style to Osipovskaya culture of initial Neolithic (13-11 thousand years ago).
Key words and phrases: импрессия, динамика движения, мифология с орнитоморфными и антропоморфными персонажами, экологически пластичные животные, космологические знаки-символы, impression, dynamics of movement, mythology with ornithomorphic and anthropomorphic characters, ecolog
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