Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 11. Part 2. P. 78-80.
Koryagin Aleksandr Nikolaevich
Bashkir State University (Branch) in Sterlitamak
Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of the ontology conception formulated by ancient Greek philosophers Parmenides, Plato and Aristotle, their interpretation of existence, correlation between existence and sensory world, special ideal formations – eidoses, their place and role in the explanation of what reality, given to the man in his consciousness, is. The emphasis is on finding the ontological function of eidoses, which is usually not analyzed in studies devoted to ancient ontology. As a result of the analysis, it is stated that the essence of ancient ontology is the question of the object-sense certainty of existence and sensually fixed world given by eidoses.
Key words and phrases: бытие, эйдос, онтология, сущее, мир становления, космос, existence, eidos, ontology, matter, world of formation, cosmos
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