Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 10. Part 2. P. 178-181.
Seferbekov Ruslan Ibragimovich
Dagestan State Technical University
Abstract. The article describes the mythological characters of one of the Dargins ethnic groups – the Burkun-Dargins. Despite the centuries-old confession of Islam, the myths, festivals, rituals, customs, beliefs, folklore genres, vocabulary and phraseology of the Burkun-Dargins continue to maintain the stable echoes of beliefs in the personalized images of heavenly bodies, atmospheric phenomena, the deities and demons of the past pagan pantheon and pandemonium of the Dargins. According to the authors, the reasons of such preservation of the relics of pre-monotheistic beliefs are the features of the Dargins’ mentality, the stability of traditions, the authority of the elders – the main bearers of the traditional spiritual culture.
Key words and phrases: мифология, буркун-даргинцы, божества, демоны, обряды, обычаи, верования, mythology, the Burkun-Dargins, deities, demons, rituals, customs, beliefs
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