Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 1. Part 2. P. 216-218.
Yakovlev Maksim Vladimirovich
Ufa State Oil Technical University
Abstract. The author analyzes the key events, personalities and thoughts that influenced the ideas of democracy and democratic transformations in Russia, and concludes that the features of the Russian democracy concept were formed as a result of the influence of J.-J. Rousseau’s views on people’s will direct expression and the supremacy of the majority over the individual, the recurrence of reformers’ communist thinking, and under the influence of B. N. El'tsin’s personal views inclined to authoritarianism, who assigned the key role to economic reforms in the process of democratization in the detriment of the development of civil society institutions and parliamentarism.
Key words and phrases: гражданское участие, политические трансформации, демократические преобразования, демократия, российская политика, концепт, civil participation, political transformations, democratic transformations, democracy, Russian politics, concept
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