Abstract. The author considers the features of the interrelation between soviet public authorities and people’s courts within Pskov province in 1920-1925, singles out the ways of influence on people’s courts decisions and the sentences of people’s judges on the part of district and volost executive committees and party organizations; analyzes the circulars developed by the provincial executive committee, and also determines the norms of the Regulations on the Judicial System of the RSFSR of 1920 and 1922 that served to ensure the implementation of the principle of people’s judges independence.
Key words and phrases: народный суд, народный судья, губернский исполнительный комитет, уездный исполнительный комитет, волостной исполнительный комитет, комитеты РКП(б)/ВКП(б), people’s court, people’s judge, provincial executive committee, district executive committee, volost
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- GANIPO. F. 2. Op. 1.
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- GANIPO. F. 109. Op. 1.
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