Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 1. Part 1. P. 63-67.
Ermakova Mariya Aleksandrovna
Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov
Abstract. The author researches the policy of two great powers, France and the United States, before and during London Naval Conference of 1935-1936, using the archival documents of Franklin D. Roosevelt Library (USA) analyzes the specificity of the bilateral French-American relations on the issue of naval armaments limitation, considers the reaction of the French Republic and the United States to the collapse of Washington resolutions of 1922, and comes to the conclusion about London Conference influence on the mutual relations of two countries.
Key words and phrases: франко-американские отношения, Лондонская морская конференция 1935-1936 гг, морское разоружение, Вашингтонский договор 1922 г, гонка морских вооружений, French-American relations, London Naval Conference of 1935-1936, naval disarmament, Washington Treaty
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