Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 9. Part 2. P. 34-38.
Gabelko Dmitrii Evgen'evich
Military Aviation Engineering University in Voronezh
Abstract. The author tells about the General Staff Lieutenant D. A. Milyutin's translation activity connected with the military classics N. V. Medem and G. V. Jomini's writings, as well as his collaboration with Encyclopedic Lexicons, for which he prepared over 150 articles for the following sections: mathematics, geography, and military sciences; and substantiates that it is the article about the General Count G. Giber written by Milyutin in 1837 that was his first military-theoretical essay.
Key words and phrases: генерал-майор барон Н. В. Медем, генерал от инфантерии барон Г. В. Жомини, генерал-майор граф Ж. Гибер, Энциклопедический лексикон, Военный энциклопедический лексикон, военно-теоретический очерк, Major General Baron N. V. Medem, Infantry General G. V. Jomini, Major General Count G. Giber, Encyclopedic Lexicon, Military Encyclopedic Lexicon, military-theoretical essay
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