Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 9. Part 2. P. 194-197.
Chekin Aleksandr Nikolaevich, Akimov Aleksandr Nikolaevich
Ul'yanovsk State Technical University
Abstract. The authors consider the correlation of philosophical and scientific ideas about the Universe, their determinacy by scientific ideas about the world at every historic stage of science development, and show that the development of modern categorical framework of science, especially physics of elementary particles, leads to the refinement of traditional philosophical notions both in ontological and gnoseological aspects.
Key words and phrases: космология, хроногеометрия мира, философия науки, "начало" времени, сингулярность, cosmology, chronogeometry of the world, philosophy of science, "beginning" of time, singularity
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