Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 9. Part 1. P. 76-79.
Dushin Andrei Vladimirovich
Institute of Entrepreneurial Economics in Moscow
Abstract. The author reveals the content of the educational programs of the most influential pedagogical institutions of antiquity - Isocrates's school and Plato's academy, pays particular attention to the study of mathematical quadrivium in Plato's educational program as contributing to the formation of students' thinking for understanding the essence of objects, shows that despite essential contradictions and rivalry the studied institutions have not only common roots, but also interpenetration and similar tasks, and mentions the influence of these schools on the formation of classical education tradition.
Key words and phrases: образование, воспитание, ораторское искусство, математические науки, диалектика, философия, мышление, education, upbringing, oratorical skill, mathematical sciences, dialectics, philosophy, thinking
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