Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 8. Part 2. P. 169-175.
Sokolova Marina Valentinovna
Institute of Tourism and Hospitality (Branch) of Russian State University of Tourism and Service in Moscow
Abstract. The author studies the essential characteristics of a number of notions: tourism, journey, travel, migration and vagrancy, reveals their common features and peculiarities, shows that the notions migration and vagrancy cannot be reduced to the notion tourism, and the notions journey and travel can be comparable to tourism on a number of features, but have their own conceptual content, and substantiates the following proposition: tourism is the basic definition, and the use of this notion in scientific and educational spheres should closely match the totality of its specific distinctive characteristics and features.
Key words and phrases: понятийный аппарат, туризм, путешествия, странствия, миграции, бродяжничество, conceptual framework, tourism, journey, travel, migration, vagrancy
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