Abstract. The author for the first time reconstructs the picture of the murder of the prison administration high-ranking official Yulii Ivanovich Metus, which took place in Chita on May 28, 1907; studies the initial steps of the investigation on the crime detection, covers the motives of the murder named by the criminals, analyzes the situation of confrontation, which occurred in the spring of 1907 in the prison within Nerchinsk convict prison between the administration representatives and political prisoners, reveals the true reasons of crime commission, and mentions the murderer's real surname.
Key words and phrases: Нерчинская каторга, Юлий Иванович Метус, убийство, следствие, мотив преступления, "боевой отряд" партии эсеров, Алгачинская тюрьма, беспорядки, режим каторги, карцер, Сазонов, Спиридонова, Школьник, Анисия Епифановна Щукина (Козловская), Nerchinsk convict prison, Yulii Ivanovich Metus, murder, investigation, motive of crime, "combat detachment" of socialist-revolutionary party, Algachi prison, riots, convict prison regime, disciplinary cell, Sazonov, Spiridonova, Shkol'nik, Anisiya Epifan