Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 8. Part 1. P. 199-204.
Tabunshchikova Lyudmila Viktorovna, Shadrina Alla Valer'evna
Pedagogical Institute of South Federal University
Abstract. The authors consider the content of the anti-church actions carried out by Bolsheviks in the struggle against Church, show their specificity in 1923, which marked a new stage in this struggle, pay special attention to the authorities' efforts in the struggle against religious holidays - the arrangement of anti-religious carnivals, processions and theatricalized performances, the cancellation of Sunday as a day off, and basing on the wide range of archival sources reveal the features of this policy implementation within Don region.
Key words and phrases: Церковь, антирелигиозная пропаганда, антирождественская кампания, религиозные праздники, отмена воскресенья как выходного дня, карнавальные шествия, сжигание икон, Church, anti-religious propaganda, anti-Christmas campaign, religious holidays, cancellation of Sunday as a day off, carnival processions, burning of icons
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