Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 8. Part 1. P. 30-34.
Afanas'eva Lyudmila Viktorovna
Komsomol'sk-on-Amur State Technical University
Abstract. The author describes the changes within the meaning of the term patronage that occurred in the XVIII-XXth centuries, emphasizes the principles of its implementation in the XVIII-XIXth centuries, as well as with respect to minors, and the distinction from homeless children placement, mentions the transformations that occurred in patronage institution during soviet decades including its transformation into the form of those children placement, who lost their parents during the Great Patriotic War, and pays particular attention to the analysis of the documents, which public authorities were guided with for the transfer of children under patronage in the Soviet Union in 1923-1950.
Key words and phrases: покровительство, призрение, дети, оставшиеся без попечения родителей, договор на патронирование, общественный инспектор по охране детства, patronage, charity, children left without parental custody, agreement for patronage, public child welfare inspector
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