Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 8. Part 1. P. 27-29.
Antonova Elena Leonidovna, Turkina Viktoriya Grigor'evna
Belgorod State Institute of Culture and Arts
Abstract. The authors consider village culture and city culture as stable and unstable systems of the confrontation to social chaos, pay particular attention to cultural tradition, show that cultural tradition as program of social behaviour acts as the existential foundation of village culture encapsulating it in itself, and substantiate that it is the encapsulating that gives village culture, as the self-reproducing system that can withstand social chaos, resistance, and it ensures the continuity of its self-preservation.
Key words and phrases: культура деревни и культура города, устойчивая и неустойчивая системы, социальный отбор, культурная традиция, крестьяноцентризм, этно- и социокоды, герметизация, социальный порядок и социальный хаос, village culture and city culture, stable and unstable systems, social selection, cultural tradition, peasant-centrism, ethnic and social codes, encapsulating, social order and social chaos
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