Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 7. Part 3. P. 175-178.
Sarumov Aleksei Andreevich, Losev Aleksandr Sergeevich
Far-Eastern Federal University
Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The authors consider the influence of modern theoretical physics on scientific worldview formation, undertake the attempts to understand the reasons of a large number of paradoxes and contradictions emergence that arise in the comparison of fundamental ideas, modern conceptions and theories with experimental results, and suggest the way of these conflicts solution basing on the study of scientific knowledge general principles aimed at worldview formation from the perspective of physics of classical mechanics.
Key words and phrases: философия, физика, картина мира, естествознание, philosophy, physics, worldview, natural science
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