Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 7. Part 3. P. 130-132.
Mamonov Aleksandr Nikolaevich
Russian Christian Classical Academy in St. Petersburg
Abstract. The author considers the attitude to I. A. Il'in's creativity in Russia, emphasizes the problems arising in connection with the comprehension of his worldview, tells about the degree of modern authors' interest in the subject of the thinker's creative heritage as well as the range of the issues raised by I. A. Il'in in his writings, mentions that modern writers have a single point of view in some questions, in particular, that I. A. Il'in considers spiritual essence as the main thing of man, shows that I. A. Il'in's philosophical heritage draws critics' attention, but their opinions are not always the same, and concludes that nevertheless the thinker's works are in demand and topical.
Key words and phrases: русская философия, И. А. Ильин, историко-философская традиция, духовная сущность, актуальность, Russian philosophy, I. A. Il'in, historical-philosophical tradition, spiritual essence, topicality
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