Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 7. Part 3. P. 47-50.
Dambaeva Aryuna Naranovna
Republican Institute of Personnel Management and Education
Abstract. The author reveals the basic Buddhist principles that evolved the world view of the Buryat people, shows that the basis of Buddhism moral doctrine is the ethics of the abstention from ten black deeds as opposed to ten white virtues, and describes the main points of the Mongolian peoples' astrology Zurkhai, which reflects the interrelation of natural and social phenomena.
Key words and phrases: религия, буддизм, сансара, карма, нравственность, зурхай, астрология, religion, Buddhism, samsara, karma, morality, zurkhai, astrology
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