Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 7. Part 1. P. 50-54.
Greshilova Irina Aleksandrovna
Institute of Educationalists Further Training and Professional Retraining
Abstract. The author analyzes the value-cultural foundations of pedagogical anthropology, on which basis the process of personality formation in culture is realized, determines the anthropological regularities for the transmission of cultural values that contribute to the formation of an educational process subject self-conception, and presents the formulation of man and culture interaction fundamental principles in the context of pedagogical anthropology pointing at multivariate approach to personality development.
Key words and phrases: человек, культура, образование, личность, философия, педагогическая антропологи, man, culture, education, personality, philosophy, pedagogical anthropology
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