Abstract. The author studies the role of social-cultural potential in modern Chinese society development, shows that social-cultural potential and its components - spiritual potential, social potential, human potential and technological potential - are the main basis of transformations occurring in China, the basic characteristics of Chinese society development level, the element of Chinese total national power and the manifestation of its soft power; and substantiates that the success of social-economic development in China is connected with its complex policy on social-cultural potential accumulation and rational use.
Key words and phrases: социокультурный потенциал, духовный потенциал, социальный потенциал, человеческий потенциал, технологический потенциал, совокупная национальная мощь, "мягкая сила", "человек в основе", social-cultural potential, spiritual potential, social potential, human potential, technological potential, total national power, "soft power", "man as basis"
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