Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 6. Part 2. P. 111-117.
Kupriyanov Dmitrii Borisovich
Navy Military Educational-Scientific Centre Naval Academy named after Soviet Union Fleet Admiral N. G. Kuznetsov
Abstract. The author analyzes the naval activity of a number of the world community states, demonstrates that one aspect of this analysis is the consideration of the USA and NATO naval forces role in national interests protection that does not always correspond to the Russian Federation interests, and in some cases creates a threat to its national security, pays special attention to the naval activity of the Russian Federation in the World Ocean, particularly in the Arctic region, and basing on this research substantiates the tendency to enhance naval resources role in international politics under modern conditions and their increasing significance for national and international security problems solution.
Key words and phrases: Мировой океан, военно-морские ресурсы, военная стратегия, военно-морские силы, морская политика, военно-морская деятельность, Арктический регион, военно-морская мощь, World Ocean, naval resources, military strategy, naval forces, maritime politics, naval activity, Arctic region, naval power
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