Abstract. Basing on different methodologies, approaches and principles the author considers ethnic being as the problem of modern political philosophy, mentions that any multi-ethnic society crisis begins with the decomposition of ethnic structures, which first start to destroy political and social system, and believes that social revolution is not solely the result of social-economic system crisis, but also the product of the increase of ethnic disharmony and conflicts of ethnic being.
Key words and phrases: этническое бытие, методология, синергетическая парадигма, глобализация, субстанция, цивилизационный подход, декомпозиция, бифуркация, моделирование, постмодернизм, диффузная система, нелинейность, комплиментарность, ethnic being, methodology, synergistic paradigm, globalization, substance, civilizational approach, decomposition, bifurcation, simulation, post-modernism, diffusive system, non-linearity, complementarity
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