Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 6. Part 1. P. 193-196.
Urazova Svetlana Al'bertovna
Penza State University
Abstract. The author considers trade unions activity in private enterprises in the 1920s, analyzes the main directions of sectoral trade unions work, especially in the private enterprises of Middle Volga region, determines the following directions of their activity: collective contracts, wage policy, inspection of working conditions, workers' strike movement, etc.; and pays special attention to the class orientation of trade-unions activity and the identification of the tendency to strengthen the party control over trade unions movement.
Key words and phrases: профсоюзы, новая экономическая политика, аренда, коллективные договоры, трудовые конфликты, объединённый профсоюзный комитет, социальная защита рабочих, trade unions, New Economic Policy, lease, collective contracts, labour disputes, joint trade unions committee, workers' social protection
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